6 Tips for High-rise Balcony Safety

by balconyboss
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a high rise balcony with outdoor furniture, string lights and decking tiles
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Living in a high-rise apartment with a balcony comes with certain safety concerns that residents need to address in order to make sure that they, along with any children or animals living in the high rise, are not exposed to unnecessary risks. The following are some essential high rise balcony safety tips to keep in mind if you live in a high-rise apartment or condominium.

6 High-rise Balcony Safety Tips

1. Never allow children or pets unsupervised on high-rise balconies

If you have children or pets in your home, you should never allow them unsupervised on the balcony. It can be tempting to let children play on the balcony while you watch from inside the apartment or condominium, but this is not safe in a high-rise.

2. Bring objects indoors on windy days

On windy days, you should bring balcony objects indoors whenever possible. You do not want the objects being blown around, which is more likely in a high rise because the winds are stronger on higher levels of a building than the lower levels. As a general rule, do not store glass objects or sharp objects on a high-rise balcony, as these can become dangerous in windy conditions.

3. Keep counterweights on hand for heavy or large furniture during storms

If you have large items or furniture that cannot be taken indoors during storms or windy days, you need to invest in counterweights. Counterweights are designed to keep objects stable in windy conditions. If you know when it’s going to storm or it has just begun to storm, use your counterweights to help prevent large furniture from being blown by the wind.

4. Inspect railings regularly

You should regularly inspect your high-rise balcony railings to look for signs of loose screws, rust, or any other issues which can compromise the integrity of the railing. However, you should be careful when doing inspections. If you suspect that anything is wrong with the balcony railing, contact the building management right away and do not let anyone on the balcony until the issue is resolved.

5. Install key-locks for balcony doors if you have children

If you have children in the home, you should install a key lock for the balcony door so that it cannot be opened without the key period that way, you do not have to worry about children going out on the balcony when you are not paying attention.

6. Know how to mind railings

If you live in a high-rise, it is important to know how to mind the railings in order to reduce the chances of safety issues. You should not lean up against railings, put pressure on them–such as pushing down on them with your weight while you lean over the edge; or engage in risky behavior around them. For example, you should not jump around or engage in horseplay on a balcony; if you lose control, you could bump into the railing which could potentially cause you to fall over or damage the railing structure. As a general rule of thumb, avoid being near the railing whenever possible.

Final Thoughts on High-rise Balcony Safety

We all want to enjoy our outdoor spaces (and especially the views that come with a high-rise), but it’s important to be safety conscious at all times. Hopefully this guide has provided some helpful tips for you and your family.