Decorative plants are the perfect way to add color and interest to a balcony. As opposed to things like herbs and vegetables, decorative plants …
Tomatoes are a versatile and easy to grow garden crop. They’re ideal for gardening beginners and balcony farmers alike because they’re simple to maintain …
Plants are perfect for decorating a boring balcony railing, especially if you can’t paint them or make any structural changes. Of course, choosing the …
Decorating a patio with plants might seem easy, but the sheer range of options available can make the process overwhelming. Luckily, there are some …
Although a lot of plants enjoy a bit of a breeze, strong winds can damage plants and affect their growth. You can use structures …
Urban living has plenty of benefits, but one of the things we apartment dwellers often miss out on is having a backyard or some …
Vertical gardening equipment doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, it can be as simple as adding a trellis to a normal planter. The …
When it comes to the essential items, balcony gardening isn’t drastically different from any other type of gardening. That said, you might need to …
Planters are a must-have on balconies if you want any kind of greenery. But with a bit of shopping around, you can find planters …
Vertical gardening isn’t necessarily a new concept. What is new, however, is the technology available to make it a worthwhile effort for growing plants …