How to Soundproof a Balcony

by balconyboss
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Balconies are a great way to add outdoor spaces to apartments, condos or even the higher levels of a traditional home. Balconies can add in plenty of sunlight and extra living space, but they do come with one potentially significant drawback: extra sound.

If you live in a high-traffic area, the sound from a balcony can be particularly frustrating, as it will likely be louder and more constant than sounds from a lower-traffic area. One way to tackle this issue is to soundproof your balcony as much as possible. While there many ways to reduce noise on your balcony, the following guide will help you learn the best tips to soundproof a balcony.

4 Tips for Soundproofing a Balcony

The following tips are some of the best ways that you can help soundproof your balcony. Remember, no method is going to completely eliminate sound–but these methods, especially when combined, can help reduce the sound coming in from your balcony significantly.

1. Seal gaps in the balcony door

Gaps in the balcony door are a major culprit when it comes to letting in sound. You will need to carefully seal these gaps as much as possible. Look for gaps underneath the door, as well as gaps on the side and top of the door. You can seal the gaps with insulated foam, window tap, or door stoppers; for best results, use a combination of all three of these methods.

2. Install soundproofing panels

Soundproofing panels are a cost-efficient way to help reduce the sound coming in from the balcony. These panels are made with soundproofing material and can be installed with relative ease. Best of all, they aren’t permanent, so these are an ideal option if you are renting your apartment and you’re worried about losing your deposit if you decide to move out. If you do choose this method, make sure you carefully measure your material before cutting–the panels won’t be as efficient if they’re patch-worked together because the measurements were wrong the first time.

3. Consider replacing the balcony door

The type of balcony door can make an enormous difference in how much sound gets through from the outside. Sliding glass doors and any type of hollow door are not going to be very efficient at blocking sound. A solid door–like the kind used for front doors and bedroom doors–is going to be much better at blocking sound. If it’s possible, you should consider replacing a hollow balcony door with a solid door instead. This is definitely the more expensive of the options for soundproofing, but it’s also likely going to be one of the best in terms of results.

4. Install sound-proofing door gaskets

Sound-proofing door gaskets are an alternative to using window tap to seal up the gaps in  your sliding glass door. Sound-proofing door gaskets will seal off gaps while creating a thick barrier between outside noise and the other side of the balcony door. This method will require a bit more work than simply using tape, but the results are going to be more efficient.


Remember, for best results, don’t just use one method–combine the above methods for the best soundproofing results.