How to Grow and Care for Indian Hawthorn on a Balcony

by balconyboss
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Indian hawthorn works well as a compact shrub grown in a pot. As such, it’s ideal for decorating a balcony or patio because its flowers provide color and are very popular with pollinators.

In this article, you’ll find some useful tips for how to grow and care for Indian hawthorn on a balcony.

Indian Hawthorn Requirements

Indian hawthorn is an evergreen plant, so will give you decent green foliage that has a purple tinge in winter. It grows in USDA Hardiness Zones 8-11, making it a warm weather plant.

Varieties range in size from 3ft. to 6ft. and will all grow wider than they are tall. Keeping them in pots will restrict their growth, and you can combine this with careful pruning. Even so, you’ll need to space them fairly far apart.

Its flowers are pink or white, and the plant works well as a hedge or space divider. You’ll need to keep Indian hawthorn in large pots or plant in a raised bed.

Important Things to Know

Sunlight: Full sun with a bit of afternoon shade

Grow in pots: Yes – start with a pot at least 12” wider than nursery pot

Grow indoors: No

Soil type: Well-draining

When to plant: Winter or spring

Growing Indian Hawthorn

To grow Indian hawthorn on your balcony, you’ll need:

  • Large pots (e.g., 24”)
  • Potting soil
  • Shovel or trowel
  • Watering can


Buy young yet established plants from a local hardware store. As with other bushes, there’s almost no point trying to grow them from seed.

  1. Fill your pot about a third of the way with soil. Alternatively, add enough soil that the plant will sit level with the top of the pot; whichever is more.
  2. Remove the plant from its nursery pot, knocking the soil off its roots. Tease some roots out slightly before putting it in the larger pot.
  3. Backfill the pot, pressing down lightly on the soil every now and then.
  4. Leave a few days before watering thoroughly.

Maintenance and Care

Water your Indian hawthorn regularly until it’s established (once a week or so). You’ll know it’s established when it starts kicking out new growth. After this, it’ll be more drought-tolerant, meaning you can reduce the watering regime.

Fertilize it twice a year in spring and fall with a general-purpose fertilizer.

There’s very little to do in terms of pruning apart from cutting off dead or damaged branches. If you want to keep its shape compact, prune more regularly. Do this after the flowers fade, which will be late summer to fall.

Final Thoughts on Indian Hawthorn

Indian hawthorn is a pleasant decorative plant that puts out nice foliage and decorative flowers. Growing it in pots won’t really give you the kind of coverage you need for a privacy hedge, although you could certainly grow it to block some view. Either way, Indian hawthorn will look great on a balcony.