How to Create a Relaxing Balcony: 10 Ideas

by balconyboss
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Creating a relaxing balcony space might sound easy, but figuring out your exact needs can become overwhelming. So, whether you want a morning zen spot or a cozy evening social space, here are 10 ways to create a relaxing balcony.

Relaxing Balcony Ideas

1. Mood lighting

As a general rule, relaxing lighting has warm tones – orange, red, yellow, etc. You can achieve this with real or LED candles or with string lights. When buying mood lighting, just make sure it’s warm-toned.

2. Calming scents

Scents are a vital component of a relaxing balcony. How you add them is up to you. Candles are obviously a good option, but you could try plants instead. Check out our article on scented plants for some suggestions. The best relaxing scents include:

Other options include using an oil diffuser, which you can use with essential oils of your choice, or even incense sticks. The latter is ideal because it adds visual appeal.

3. Comfy seating

If you want to create a truly relaxing balcony, comfy seating is a must. Make sure you include plenty of pillows – even setting them up on the floor for lounging. If it works with your décor, stick with warm or neutral colors.

4. Blankets

The relationship between blankets and feeling cozy hardly needs explaining. Make sure you’ve got a few thick, soft blankets for you and your guests to snuggle under in the evening.

5. Add a rug

Although not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a relaxing balcony, adding a rug can help soften hard flooring. By this, we mean both physically and visually, as a rug looks softer than a concrete floor.

6. Make it beautiful

This might seem like a vague statement, but you’ll always feel more relaxed in a space you find beautiful. Of course, this is personal, so decorate your relaxing balcony in whatever way or style appeals to you.

7. But don’t clutter it

Conversely, cluttered and busy spaces can feel overwhelming. So, while you’ll want it to be visually appealing, don’t go overboard with the stuff you put on your balcony. There should be items that draw attention but not so many that your eyes don’t know where to focus.

8. Add some plants

Research has shown that plants boost mood. So, to create a relaxing balcony, add some plants. Ideally, opt for plants with flowers and soft shapes, such as ferns, as these will feel more relaxing than harsh, spiky plants like cacti.

9. Soften edges

Much like how adding a rug softens the floor, consider hanging curtains to soften walls. What’s more, you can close them to make your relaxing balcony feel more contained.

10. Sounds

Science shows that the rhythmic sound of water promotes relaxation and calm. If you really want to go a step further with creating a relaxing balcony, consider adding a small water fountain to your space.

Final Thoughts on Creating a Relaxing Balcony

Using these tips will help you create a relaxing balcony where you can shut out the world. The main principles of relaxation are soft lines and sensory appeal. Providing you can nail these, you’ll have an enjoyable and relaxing balcony space in no time at all.